Connect the dots

Posted 24th May 2023

Try these yoga moves and you’ll feel more connected to your pony


Practising yoga is a great way to increase your focus and put you more in the moment, which means you can develop a better bond with your pony and make the most of your time together.

Why not have a go at these simple yoga poses? They’ll also help to improve your strength, balance, flexibility and co-ordination, which will make the world of difference to your riding skills!

  1.  Swan pose

This pose is very relaxing and stretches your back. Start on all fours, then push your hips back so your seat bones are over your heels. Stretch your arms out in front of you and gently rest your forehead on the ground. Close your eyes and follow your breathing – stay in this position for 6–10 breaths.



Doing these exercises when you feel tense or nervous can really help you to relax and reset your thoughts. You could even add them into your routine to help you get ready and focused for the week ahead.

  1. Tree pose

A good test of your balance, start by standing with both feet on the ground and bring your hands together towards your heart. Now take your weight onto one leg and place the sole of your other foot on the inside of your lower leg, letting your knee go wide. Pause for three breaths, then see if you can raise your hands above your head. Stay still for 3–6 breaths and release. Give your body a little shake before repeating but standing on the other leg.


  1. Mountain pose

Great for posture and confidence, stand tall with your feet apart and hold your hands by your sides but away from your body slightly. Make sure your palms are facing outwards and reach the crown of your head towards the sky. Check you have the same amount of weight in each foot and allow yourself to stand really tall, full of confidence, for 3–6 breaths.


Check out more yoga poses to help you connect with your pony in July PONY mag – on sale now!

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