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21 March - 20 April

You may feel a little disappointed that you won’t get the chance to reach all of your competition goals this year, but try not to be too disheartened. Instead, make the most of each and every moment you spend with your fave pony – this time is way more precious than rosettes!


21 April - 21 May

Keep an eye out for a grey horse who’s bound to make a big impression on you this month. They’ll be good luck for you, and it could even be the start of some exciting new riding opportunities.


22 May - 22 June

Just like all Gemini’s, you’re great at problem solving and giving advice! You’ll be able to put these skills to good use this month, as a pal will come to you with a horsey dilemma to solve!


23 June - 23 July

You’re feeling an urge to give someone a few tips about their riding but, before you do, take the time to make sure you say it to them in the right way. It’ll mean you boost their confidence rather than hurting their feelings!


24 July - 23 August

Leo’s are super-competitive! Why not think about spicing up your riding by setting up a mini show at your yard, or having a go at some online dressage this month? Your pony’s sure to love it as much as you do!


24 August - 23 September

A chance encounter will trigger old memories of a special pony you used to ride. Maybe it’s time to contact their current owner and find out how they’re doing?


24 September - 23 October

It’s time to listen to friends who are telling you that you’re trying to do too much! Trim a few plans from your diary and you’ll have more relaxing time to spend with your fave pony – you’ll feel super-chilled afterwards!


24 October - 22 November

This month’s all about spending time with friends, so make sure you keep in touch. It’s the perfect time to reconnect with a pony-loving pal who you haven’t seen for ages.


23 November - 22 December

Put any extra time you have to good use this month by learning something new about ponies! If you’re not sure what topic to gen up on, ask your instructor for some inspo!


23 December - 19 January

Your patience is going to be tested by your pony this month, but it’s important to try and see things from his point of view and you’ll soon realise there’s a very good reason for his behaviour.


19 January - 19 February

Summer’s your fave time of year, so put all your extra enthusiasm into the time you spend at the yard and help your friends out with a few of their chores. It’ll make you super-popular!


20 February - 20 March

It’s time to show off your creative talents this month – on a pony theme, of course! But rather than keeping the work of art to yourself, why not share it with the world!

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