HomeQuizzesMaster of bits

Master of bits

Which bit can help you to steer a young or green pony?

Correct! Wrong!

This bit stays steady in your pony’s mouth, so it’s a good one for an inexperienced rider to use. What’s it called?

Correct! Wrong!

Which of these mouthpieces isn’t allowed in dressage comps?

Correct! Wrong!

Most bits are made of metal, but which one is more likely to encourage your pony to salivate when he’s wearing it?

Correct! Wrong!

Which type of mouthpiece is known to have a ‘nutcracker’ effect on your pony?

Correct! Wrong!

What are the names of the two bits on a double bridle?

Correct! Wrong!

How can you work out whether a bit’s the right length for your pony?

Correct! Wrong!

Master of bits
0-2 correct
Looks like you have some brushing up to do before you become a bitting pro! Why not ask your instructor to teach you about different types of bits and what they do – it’ll be handy to know if you ever want to get your Pony Club bitting badge!
3-5 correct
Not bad! You know a few things about different types of bits but there’s still some room for improvement. When you’re at your yard or riding school, take note if you spot a type of bit you’ve never seen before and look up how it works later!
6-7 correct
Wow – you must really know your stuff when it comes to bitting! You have tons of know-how on different types of bits and are ready to answer questions about them in your Pony Club tests. Keep up the good work!

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