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A place to hang out, chat and discuss horsey-related things with other PONY magazine readers! Maybe you have a pony problem, or you want opinions on the best XC colours – or perhaps you just want to know what breed is everyone's fave!

3,567 responses to “Pony Chatter”

  1. Hi Naomisparkle
    I think it sounds very likely that the pony is in foal. You should mabey consider (if possible. Mabey asking the parents of the little girl) to get the vet to her. Good luck. she sounds lovely. Also Petrus.vulcania you could try just using a lot of leg and perhaps getting someone to go over the jump before you which usually gets all the ponies at my yard over the jumps!
    Aoife❤️Alfie Xxx

  2. Hi!!I’m a berral racer/trainer!If you need advice i would love to help!

  3. Hey guys!
    I haven’t been online that much because i’ve had school and days at the stables, but i was just going to ask for some advice on my horse Petrus, when i lead him, he tends to try and bite me, so sometimes i get worried, and he doesn’t like entering fields so i take a lot of my time getting him to go in to the paddock. He had a leg injury a few years ago and he’s a bit bouncy. But the problem is, I can’t get him to canter without a whip, and i hate whipping their flanks, and my instructor took my whip away from me when we were jumping.
    We had to start cantering at A but how much i tried to persuade him to canter, he just wasn’t having any of it. He only starts cantering after the jump. He’s a good boy anyways, and i love him with all my heart.
    please could i have advice on how to persuade him to canter without a whip?
    Thank you so much,

  4. NaomiSparkle says:

    Hi everyone,

    Ok I need some help…

    My friend who is 7 (I’m 15) rehomed a pony from a sanctuary in May as a birthday present for her. I went to meet the pony for the first time in August and we’ll she has got terrible sweet itch… she has no mane and tail left ! Plus she is filthy !

    But anyway recently I have been noticing that Primrose (the pony) has been getting a bigger and bigger tummy… she is not fat as she has quite thin legs and neck. Her tummy just sticks out so much ! She is also extremely grumpy… whenever you go near her she tries to bite or kick ( I got kicked by her the last time I was over ), she doesn’t even get happy when she is fed ! She just pins her ears back and tries to snatch it and then bite you… she also HATES her belly beig touched.

    I can see in her eyes that this pony is in pain, she has got ulcers in her mouth (which I why she is ridden bitless) but I know that there is something more. Please help if you have any ideas ! The only thing that pleases her is hacking but trying to tack her up is a nightmare ! You risk getting kicked in the face !

    Please help if you have any ideas !


  5. Hi pony:.
    Why not try to work out why your ponies grumpy and if it’s worse in or out of the stable.
    He could be trieing to tell you something.
    If you think it’s just bad manners you can try to get him to like you a bit more and appreciate your company. I wouldn’t recommend treats as then he could get fat 😂
    But just cuddles, reashorance and fun. Is your pony grumpy with all people, just you or other ponies?
    I jumped my first 80cm course also does anyone else love the pony flapjacks from pony annual 2020 I’ve made them at least five times and all the ponies at my yard luuuuuuuuuuuuuuurve them. I just made them for them today I will give them to them tomorrow!🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀

  6. OMG 😮
    I just WON the tetrathlon and rider most improved. All my friends did really well to. And the evil girl lost! I am like sooooooooooooo pleased 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

  7. pony :-) says:

    hi I need some tips for my grumpy pony. got any advice?

  8. horsesforever1864 says:

    Izzy’s_equestrian one thing I found helpful is giving your horse a tasty treat first then he will want another one and put his head down when he does put your thumb in the back of his gum and then pull the bit back.This might not work for you but it does for me😊

  9. I just got the pony academy certificate from pony mag today. Sooooooo pleased!!!😀🐴😀🐴😀🐴

  10. Hi Izzyb-equestrian
    First check there’s nothing hurting your pony like if his teeth hurt or something but if there isn’t then he’s probably just being cheeky. there’s a pony at my stables who often puts his head up when you put on his bridal. He’s 13.2hh so lucky not to tall!
    I have heard of putting revolting jell on your finger however I seriously DONT recommend this!
    Mostly I just keep trying till they do it.
    Once me and my friend couldn’t put a ponies bit in so we asked his owner who’s 17 but also very nice to do it and she maneged. I’m not sure how though cos I was talking at the time and didn’t notice. Sorry! Mabey you could ask your instructor for help. Sorry I couldn’t be more useful but the pony I usually ride takes the bit very well. All of the ponies at my stables do. I love them sooooooooooo much!!!

  11. izzyb_equestrian says:

    Does anyone have some tips for getting a horse to take the bit? My horse is super tall and always puts his head up out of my reach when I try to stick my thumb in his mouth.

  12. puppy3866 says:

    dont panic and dont focus on winning if your nervous then your horse will be. the only one you want to beat is yourself.set goals for your pony and yourself. and of course have fun!!!best of luck what is the name of the competition?

  13. Hi
    What comp is it Olympia girl??? That’s so cool!!!!!
    My biggest advice would be enjoy it!
    I haven’t done any major comps ( allthough I would like to) but in smaller comps I’ve always thought the times I’ve done best and had the most fun have been the ones that I just laughed with my friends, felt proud of my pony and had fun. I love doing comps. I wish I could do more but I don’t have a pony. Yet. I’m getting the results for a tetrathlon I did on the 26th November!
    Good luck 👍🙂🐴🥇💕
    Also pc was brilliant as it usually is and I’m having my birthday party at the stables!!!😀😀😀

  14. WelshSectionB says:

    Hi! I was wondering if any of you have ever tried in hand showing before??! And if so any tips on how to get started??! Thank you!

  15. Olympia Girl says:

    I am competing at a major showjumping competition next month. Any advice?
    From Olympia Girl

  16. puppy3866 says:

    thanks have fun at pc

  17. Sandra says:

    Haha Puppy3866 can totally relate!! X Ade

  18. WELDONE!!!
    That’s amazing and it’s really cool that you still maneged it with the grown ups. The two tests I did were against grown ups except me and my friend who were like 9 and 11!
    I’m going to pc tomorrow!

  19. puppy3866 says:

    also everyone in the entire show was an adult i felt sooo outta place everyone was on big thourghbreds and here i was on my tiny pony

  20. puppy3866 says:

    thanks for the tips we ended up get 1st in our first class then in our second he bolted and we were dqed but i signed him up for another show in november

  21. Hi puppy3866
    Instead of getting tense when your pony bolts just try to keep calm.
    Let him gallop around and then gently ask him to stop. When he eventually stops ask him to go into trot. Just keep asking until he does I mean when he’s stoped bolting ask again. When he does just trot reward him with lots of pats. Also make sure that he isn’t antisapating the next transition by say not always cantering in the same corner. Also you could school with another pony which could make him les silly. Also check nothing could be hurting. You could ask a instructor or parent for help. Also if none of that works you could always try swapping with another rider. Not that your bad or anything but sometimes ponies can take advantage with one rider. You could also get one of the older girls at your yard to ride him. At my yard that often happens. It looks quit funny tho as often the ponies are WAY to small!!!
    Good luck for your dressage tomorrow.

  22. HAPPY HALLOWEEN 🎃👻!!!!!

  23. lovemypony!! says:

    Grey: olaf, angel, blizzard, cobweb
    skewbald: puzzle, jigsaw, crimson, fren
    blue roan: freckle, eclipse, radar
    chesnut: flame, victory, showstopper
    bay; storm, cash, biscuit, pistol
    palimino: charisma, prince, beau, trigger
    piebald: sausage, patch, mr snuggles, fortune
    hope this helps,
    fromlovemypony xx

  24. puppy3866 says:

    help i have aa dressage show tomorrow and my pony just bolts everytime i ask him to go faster than walk any tips

  25. I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    It was suuuuuuuuuper fun to! The felts lovely! It’s yellow!!!!!!😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴🐴💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

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