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Catch up on the pony chatter

A place to hang out, chat and discuss horsey-related things with other PONY magazine readers! Maybe you have a pony problem, or you want opinions on the best XC colours – or perhaps you just want to know what breed is everyone's fave!

3,567 responses to “Pony Chatter”

  1. Chestnutdunny2 says:

    Hi 👋 hope everyone is ok 👌? I have recently seen some horses near where I live and their sooooo overweight! Everybody is feeding them and I’m really worried, there hooves are really bad to, I’m really scared that there going to get laminitis or colic, please help! Cn2 xox

  2. Lucie PARKES# best friend of piggy march says:

    i just tried to make my own pony snow globe but i dont have any jar’s that dont have the paper around it :<

  3. Lucie PARKES# best friend of piggy march says:

    does any one know any pony #horse jokes?

  4. Apaloosa Club says:


  5. Apaloosa Club says:

    Hi Lucie, when you start jumping you should start doing some easy polework, just to get used to the jumping position.Then you can start trotting over some small jumps, and when you and your horse feel good and safe you can start jumping over higher obstacles, I think.
    Some good tips are:
    -Look ahead, between your horse’s ears, don´t look down at the jump.
    -Have faith in your horse and confidence in you.You can do this!
    -Start trotting over some small jumps, when you feel ready, you can canter.
    -Before jumping, work in transitions to make sure your horse pays attention to you.
    -Don´t push yourself too much at the beggining.We all have been begginers, you don´t start jumping 120 cm! 😉
    -If you or your horse feel scared of the jump or insecure about it, just make the jump smaller (from 80 cm to 50 cm, for example).It´s nothing to be ashamed of, and your confidence and your horse´s one will grow a lot, trust me!
    -Horses are not machines, and anyone can have a bad day, so don´t worry if things don´t go as expected! You two will do better next time, you´ll see.
    And, to finish, remember to always have fun and enjoy what you do! Enjoy your journey, and you´ll see, you are going to be great, because you want to learn, and thast the BEST actittude that you can have:)
    Hope that this has helped you out 🙂

  6. ponylover9 says:

    Hello pony people! How are you?

  7. Izzy says:

    Hi all!! hope you are all doing well! Lucie PARKES stay calm, because the last thing you want is a horse bolting! XD
    Just completely relax and I’m sure you horse will take you over those jumps beautifyly! 🙂
    Blossy unfourtunatley I do not have a pony ;(but would love to!
    Jacky_Chan good luck with your comp!
    – Izzy xx

  8. piggy march says:

    hi Lucie.

  9. Jacky_Chan says:

    hi, blossy, hope you are well, i have i have 2 ponies called jacky chan an 18 year old 13.2 bay pony and j.r jack a 10 year old 14.2 bay pony and my sister has my old pony oscar a 16 year old 12.2 black pony and a new pony called prince a 16 year old 12.2 grey pony, and also i will be changing my name to Jacky_And_J.R, thanks

  10. Lucie PARKES says:

    cool I’ve been to lots of shows and becase of my 2nd pony tin tin I don’t come first he stands on my foot all the time!! but I come 2nd all the way to 6th place!!

  11. NaomiSparkle says:

    Hi everyone, I hv bought a new water bucket but it is not the shade of pink that I want, I want to repaint it with a horse safe spray paint but I am not sure where to find one. Please help.

  12. Jacky_Chan says:

    hi blossy, hope you are well, i sadly have no shetlands but i absolutely love them, i think they are soon cute, funny and cheeky but i do have a 12.2 pony who loves his food and is soon funny and mischievous, one time when we had just washed him he some how got out of his head collar and when we found him he was rolling in the most muddy part of the field and we had to wash him again!!! see ya, Jacky_Chan xxx

  13. Jacky_Chan says:

    hi everyone, i hope you are all well, I’m going to an an event on my beloved pony jacky chan and i am sooooo exited, my fave part of an event is the xc, i love racing through the fields on jacky chan, although he is turning 19 in august he feels like he is 7 yrs old, does anyone else know their fave part of an event is, Jacky_Chan xxx

  14. emma says:

    hi pony fans i will be talking about my perfect pony maggies she is really sweet and she really loves food she loves people a whole lot and we might be able to show her for the first time i have never been to a show before so i don’t know what it is like i mean i have been to a show but i just watched

  15. Lucie PARKES says:

    Hi blossy maybe try eletric in front

  16. blossy says:

    hello guys any advice on how too do plates for show

    thanks molly

  17. blossy says:

    hi lucie PARKER iv a tip just relax stay calm and hold on tight

  18. blossy says:

    hi ,k.m#skewboldpony um the post Idea is good but we cant remove the barbed wire because its o keep her from escaping and we cant change it but the post would be good but we have already tried it and the others would fight over it

  19. K.m#skewboldpony says:

    Hi blossy! Maybe you could give her a wooden post for her to scratch on instead, I would also suggest removing the barbed wire because it can be dangerous for your horse and other animals too.
    Km xx

  20. blossy says:

    hey guys iv been wondering how many people have shetlands!!!iv 4

  21. Blossy says:

    Hi guys how you all doing just wondering if you have any ponies or your own

  22. blossy says:

    hi grace ,Iv got an idea you could try you could play with him more get too know him better them you mite bond and become friends or if its just greediness you could cut down on treats as my pony used to be snappy I cut down on treats and he stopped cause he knew I didn’t have any then one day I gave hi one and he in joyed it much more than normal cause he hadn’t had one in a wile. hope this helps 🙂

  23. blossy says:

    Hi, my pony keeps on trying to scratch on barbed wire and she’s done it 6 times and every tine she did it she cut herself! any advice on how to stop her if you have it would be really helpful . thanks

  24. blossy says:

    Hi, my pony keeps on cutting herself on barbed wire how can I stop this ?

  25. Lucie PARKES says:

    does ant one have tips for Jumping I just learnt to canter and I have a race horse that loves to jump

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