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Hoof care for hard ground

Posted in Health

Hard ground means you need to look after your fave pony's hooves carefully, to make sure he stays happy and comfy.

Remember that hot weather and hard ground makes it even more important that your pony is fit for his work throughout the summer. Ensure also that he is warmed up properly for anything you want him to do, to avoid stresses and strains.

Take advantage of any streams out riding to allow your pony to paddle in the cool water. It will really give his legs some relief. The same is true of sea water. BUT – ensure all water is safe before riding in it. Water can hide rubbish, and always make sure you know its depth. Beware of currents and only ride in shallow water at the seaside.

Riding at shows or at Pony Club rallies can mean slippery grass. Studs can help give your pony traction, like studs on a running shoe. Ask your farrier for advice as he will need to fit special shoes.

It isn’t only the ground you ride on you need to worry about. Ponies galloping around in baked fields are also at risk. Annoying flies can set ponies off at the gallop, so ensure your pony has adequate fly protection (repellents or fly rugs and masks), and make sure he is only turned out with his chums – a new horse or pony can stir things up and make ponies gallop around on hard ground.

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