Keep your pony’s health in check with Meg Elphick

Posted 7th February 2022

Meg Elphick shows you how to check that your pony’s in good health

Meg Elphick vet checks

Most pony owners will have their vet on speed dial, but knowing how to check over your pony – or the one you have lessons on – to make sure he’s happy and healthy is super-important. It’ll help you spot any changes before they become an issue and alert your vet or the pony’s owner. It could also help you get to the bottom of behavioural or ridden issues, which are often caused by physical problems.

Leg on

Ponies often bang their legs or get cuts while they’re out in the field. This means it’s important to keep a close eye on their limbs for any lumps, bumps or wounds.

Make sure you run your hands down the front and back of each of your pony’s legs, including his knees and fetlocks, every time you see him. This will teach you what’s normal for him and help you feel any heat or lumps, but he’ll let you know through his reactions if anywhere you touch is sore, too.

If you find any cuts or lumps, speak to your yard manager and then call your vet if they don’t think it’s easily treated from home. For example, a little rub could be treated by being cleaned and applying wound cream, but a cut over a joint needs veterinary attention.

Feet first

Checking your pony’s feet every time you pick them out will help you keep track of any changes. Funny smells could indicate a fungal infection, such as thrush, or areas of soft horn. Look for cracks and chips, and think about whether his shoes fit well and are on tight or a bit loose.

If your pony’s hooves are dry, place one hand on each – if one is warmer than the other, it can signal a possible problem such as a foot abscess or even laminitis. It can also mean he’s been standing in the sun, though, so don’t panic straight away! Just ask your yard owner to check him over, too.

Top Tip

Learn how to check your pony’s digital pulse, which can be an indication of pain or inflammation in his foot. Visit here to find out how.

Pick up your copy of Spring PONY on sale 9 February 2022 to learn more ways you can check your pony’s in good health.


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