Barrel jumping

Posted 1st April 2022

Barrel jumping

Who doesn’t love setting up fun and funky jumping exercises to have a go at with their pony? Here at PONY HQ, we certainly do! So, why not give our brilliant barrel exercise a try? It’ll test your pony’s straightness and accuracy, as well as his bravery!

Build the exercise

You’ll need six poles, four blocks or wings and two barrels – if you don’t have barrels, you could use standing fillers instead for the same effect. To start with, place one of the barrels along the centre line, then lay two poles with their ends touching on the middle of the barrel and the other ends on blocks either side, making half a diamond shape. You can use the spare poles as tramlines to help guide your pony in and as a groundline to keep the barrel in position.

For the second half of the exercise, you’ll need to mirror the layout you’ve built already, creating a diamond shape with the two barrels. You’ll need to leave a minimum of one jumping stride between the barrels, but you could allow two or three if you have space.

Barrel jumping exercise


Find out how to ride this super-fun barrel jumping exercise in May PONY, on sale 6 April 2022.


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