HomePony HangoutPony Chatter
Catch up on the pony chatter
A place to hang out, chat and discuss horsey-related things with other PONY magazine readers! Maybe you have a pony problem, or you want opinions on the best XC colours – or perhaps you just want to know what breed is everyone's fave!
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Mine is The Harlow softmint colour from LeMieux
any tips on jumping ive only just starrted jumping 40cs and i need advice on my postion
Hi everyone! I have a loan pony! Well, I’ve had her for a while. She’s so cute! Her name’s Zara and she’s a bay Welsh Section B! She’s green though and a bit spooky. I don’t ride her yet since we are sort of backing and breaking her in a way. Any tips?
What’s your favourite breed? Mine’s totally the Haflinger.
horse girl,
if it helps, you could ask if her neck muscles are not stiff. if she’s ok, then you could twitch the reins slowly and get her into a nice contact. if you’re not jumping high(ish) or doing dressage, it shouldn’t be too much of a bother.
oh thats a really hard question but I would say my dream pony would be a black cob called star.
there is a a field next to our school with my dream horse in it!
crazy right?
On a long rein it is usual for the horses head to go down hope this helps!
Lucy Mcnee, I have, like, seven favourites LOL. Fleabitten Grey, also, Dun, Palomino, Flaxen Liver Chestnut, Black, Mouse Grey, and Bay.
I really love horses and ponies, and I really want a pony! But my parents think I am not responsible enough and they have been saying this for years now. If I love ponies as much as I do, then looking after it won’t be too much a problem (Obviously there’s still the money problem, but I can’t help with that).
Any ideas on how to persuade them?
Thanks a lot
at my yard i ride a pony who is very sensitive and feels the bit a lot, (i don’t think there is a problem with the bit, my instructor seems to know what he’s doing), and even on quite a long rein she pulls her head down. why might she be doing this? i hope i’m not hurting her also, she’s not very friendly with anyone and bites a bit when somebody holds her. pls, does anyone have a solution to this??
Lucy Mcnee my favourite coat colour is palomino they r so prettyyyy 💞🫶🏻
loads of my favourite horses are fleabittens, when i ride in spain 😀
Could I have some tips please. I am owning a bay welshie called Zara but she is super green! She literally kicked me the other day, luckily it didn’t hurt though. She is 11. Also what are your guys favourite coat colours (mine is piebald). Also if anyone plays Fei Equestraid my team name is Piebald Pony Squad! and I need some team members, joining would be greatly appriciated. (sorry for any bad spelling)
Once at pony camp, I was on a massive 16.2 H.H horse called Striker and on the hack we got stuck in a tree!
Hello I just wanted to know did everybody have a good Christmas ? P.s if anyone is looking for a type of toy horse, I recommend Schleich Breyer Playmobil and Lemieux toy ponies . I have got Skye and she looks good in red green and pink .
My fav is greys even though cleaning catastrophes!
hi everyone,
what’s ur dream pony/horse?
Hi, what type of ponies have you got????
What’s your fave Lemieux colour, mines orchid
My fav coat is … Bay, Then palomino and dun
Hi! my fav YouTubers are This Esme and Equine helper!
omg my ponies are teddy bears now!!!!!!!!!!!!getting cold!!
I’m buying a pony soon 4 days to be exact, he’s a 4yr old 13.3-14hh fell pony but he hasn’t got the best manners… any tips
Hello again! What is your fave equestrian brand? Mine is 100 percent hy equestrian or rhinegold or shires!
#gallopgirl pony camp is really fun you will love it
What’s ur fave horse colour mine is seal bay