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Catch up on the pony chatter

A place to hang out, chat and discuss horsey-related things with other PONY magazine readers! Maybe you have a pony problem, or you want opinions on the best XC colours – or perhaps you just want to know what breed is everyone's fave!

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  1. WelshsectionB says:

    Showjumper10 it might help if you ride a pony you know that gives you confidence and try cantering on him/her and build your confidence more?? This worked with me!!

  2. WelshsectionB says:

    Hi Everyone my pony always runs out at a jump we have checked his tack etc but he is still doing it any tips to stop it? Thank you!!

  3. Springles_pony123 says:

    Hi Amity, I have had the exact issue when I started cantering so don’t worry about it. Just remember to sit up straight and don’t scrunch up, lean forwards or tense up your muscles when cantering because these will make your horse go faster and this will make him want to get excited and buck. Make sure your relaxed and if he does buck just squeeze ur legs and tell him to stop being rude. Slow down abit and then ask again in the next corner and make sure that it is a nice controlled canter which is quite slow. Also, while ur trying to get this habit out of ur horse just do small canters (maybe just one side of the arena, then slow down to trot, and trot round the first corner and ask at the second?) and gradually build up to longer canters.

    Maybe book a lunge lesson with an instructor, this is what I did when I was having trouble cantering. This really helps especially knowing that someone is holding the horse all of the time.

    Also, about the show, don’t be worried at all!!! Shows are exciting and nerve racking for horses as well as humans so if ur horse then has to worry about you as well then he will start bucking so just be relaxed and calm and have fun. Even if he throws a few bucks just ride through it and don’t stop because that will teach him to buck every time he doesn’t want to do something.

    I hope this helps and good luck in ur show!!! Springles_pony123 xx

  4. Hey NaomiSparkle!
    I did get gifts for the horses! They now have a brand new headcollar, and a saddle pad. They all are great in one colour, Turquoise!
    My dad did think it was crazy too.

  5. Horseyharrie says:

    Hi my dad said it might be good on the long run to get my own pony and get a patch of land. I’ve been riding at a school on and off for like since I was 7 and I rode my friends pony who is now retired for 6 months. What breed would be best for me?

  6. lovemypony!! says:

    merry christmas, did anyone else go for a christmas hack with their pony all tinseled up?!

  7. adeequestrian says:

    Her name is Lexi and she’s a paint mare. She’s super sweet and a little cheeky.

  8. adeequestrian says:

    Hey! I just got a horse a week ago!

  9. NaomiSparkle says:

    Hi Showjumper10,
    Try and ask a friend or someone who has a calm and confident horse / pony if you can ride theirs to regain yr confidence then when u ride your mare again take it rlly slowly and gently and who knows you might have an amazing canter ! Hope this helps and Good Luck !
    NaomiSparkle X

  10. Hi @everyone,
    I hope you all are having a good day.
    I ned a bit of helppp.
    So, I don’t own a horse or anything and before coronavirus started i used to go to my nearby riding school and because of the coronavirus i cant go. Im scared that i might forget how to ride!!!
    Does anyone have any tips?
    Thanks alot,

  11. Hello Showjumper10!
    I had problems too with canter confidence. You need to beleive in yourself and have confidence in the pony.
    You can also ask your riding instructor if you can try in the lunge, meaning you ride your pony, and she holds the lunge and you do some trotting, walking, and when you feel ready, try to canter.
    Hope this helps!

  12. Showjumper10 says:

    Hi pony lovers I need some advice as I have just started riding a young mare and I have lost my canter confidence so can I please have some tips to get it back.

  13. Showjumper10 says:

    Hi I’m so excited for Christmas but i can’t wait to ride again

  14. Maddie says:

    🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🐴🐎 Merry Christmas 🐎🐴🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄

  15. Hi XC123,
    Whats on my christmas list is a turquoise saddle pad and halter with lead rope. Turquoise riding jacket, and some riding books.
    Thats it and some other stuff id rather not say.

  16. Amity says:

    guys! i need help with cantering! All my horse wants to do is bucking, and im a nervous rider witch doesnt help! i got a show coming up in Jan and i gotta canter in that. Any tips?

  17. Hi equestrianellie,
    Thanks, for the tips! I rode XC on saturday, and it went really well!
    Thanks so much.
    I love xc so much!
    (by the way my new name is love.wild.ponies)

  18. lovemypony!! says:

    hi XC123, dont be nervous about learning to piaffe, when i learnt to do that it was so much fun! your horse will be an old pro at it, but when i learnt to do it, i did it on aa 6 year old gelding who had never done piaffe before! to keep your elbows in imagain that there is a string of elastic running down from your shoulders to the horses mouth and if your elbows go out like chicken wings the string of elastic will break. i have used that when teaching people to jump and it really helps. you could also try jumping with no hands. best of luck, have a very happy christmas!
    love from lovemypony xxx

  19. XC123 says:



    aToday in my riding lesson I did the Spanish Walk. I was so nervous!
    Any tips for next week? I’m going to be learning to do the piaffe and am really nervous.
    The horse I ride is a Grand Prix dressage horse called Vinnie. (for short, his show name is really long!)

    The other horse I ride is called Ellie-Mae. I’m doing canter and jumping but I find it really difficult to keep my elbows in, any advice?
    Thanks x

  20. XC123 says:

    hey, what’s on your Christmas wish list this year?

    God Bless and have a good 2021 x

  21. Hannah_Haribo says:

    How can I convince my parents to let me have a pony?

  22. NaomiSparkle says:

    Just wondering, am I mad or did everyone get they’re horses christmas gifts. My dad thinks that it’s crazy but me and my mum like it. If u did get a gift for your horse then what is it ? I got a new headcollar for each horse in they’re matchy colours: Rasberry & Purple.

    NaomiSparkle X ☺☃️🎄🎁🐎

  23. lovemypony!! says:

    is the horse of the year show on next year? it is just that i usually compete there.

  24. Lucie PARKES says:

    Hi pony Lovers Merry Christmas I have a advemt calander for my pony Barley what about you?

  25. Equestrianellie says:

    Hey Sophie.horse.crazy
    Cross country is jumping. So remeber what you all ready know and you will do great. Try and have fun. Also, when you want to tell your instructor something, mabey that your nervous, Just say it.

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