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Catch up on the pony chatter

A place to hang out, chat and discuss horsey-related things with other PONY magazine readers! Maybe you have a pony problem, or you want opinions on the best XC colours – or perhaps you just want to know what breed is everyone's fave!

3,567 responses to “Pony Chatter”

  1. Roisin123 says:

    hi guys anyone on

  2. Flossie?❤️ says:

    How do you do a flying change?

  3. Maia says:

    what is ur guys fav breed?

  4. Alice loves2 ride 77 says:

    Who of u guys can gallop? I can’t

  5. spearmint88 says:


  6. spearmint88 says:

    sadly its very quiet does anyone visit here anymore I don’t want to be mean

  7. willowe says:

    when I quit I never saw her again…

  8. willowe says:

    I used to know a pony called Rosie but I only rode her for a couple days (I didn’t like riding then but I do now)

  9. spearmint88 says:

    me too

  10. willowe says:

    I’ve never went to the uk not even been born there

  11. willowe says:

    I’ve never went to the uk

  12. willowe says:

    how is it like in the uk?

  13. Unicorn says:

    Ok right see what I can do

  14. Gallopinggrace says:

    Grace don’t go in a stable. She’ll kick the door down. She’ll go crazy if you leave her in a stable

  15. Unicorn says:

    Separate them.tell grace off. Put grace in the stable and star in a field

  16. Gallopinggrace says:

    Wonderin why my horse bullies the other un when grace is 5 and star is 10.grace bullies star(my stock horse) but star ain’t do nothin to grace to deserve the treatment she’s receiving.what should I do?

  17. Unicorn says:

    If he ate the mud

  18. Unicorn says:

    Just wondering if billy was put in a field with mud an grass i.e dug up field with a bit of grass would it cause colic?

  19. Unicorn says:

    Hey guys my new pony just ripped his rug to shreds.wondering what 2 do..he is five so he’s quite young?Last night he was given a wormer. Is that anything to do with it?

  20. Alice loves2 ride 77 says:

    What do you guys think of bling and glitter on bridles?

  21. Alice loves2 ride 77 says:

    What do you guys here think of using whips and crops?

  22. jasmine says:

    hi, i am jumping at the moment and the horse always seems to slow down when we canter up to the jumps. how do i keep him at a steady, forward going pace? xx

  23. Lily Herbert says:

    Hi just wondering if anybody has any advice. When I ride this pony she is very strong when she goes into canter and sometimes is quite difficult to stop. I can’t change anything to her tack because she is not mine but can i do anything with my riding. Xx

    • Alice loves2 ride 77 says:

      I am sorry I am only a beginner rider , so I can’t give good advice, but every PONY I have read often deals with canter problems. Could u find anything in one of those? I am sooooooooooooooooooo sorry I don’t have any other advice, but due to price I only go riding occasionaly, and I’m not experienced with canter yet Xx

    • T Riaz says:

      Okay I had a very similar problem only a few months ago actually, my instructors had started putting me on more forward horses and there was one called Mona. As soon as I got on her i could feel she was different and my instructor told me straight away what she was like, what she responded to, so my first tip: get to know the horse, which means ask the instructor a lot of questions. I had to learn this over time but I do it every time I ride a new pony/horse. The advice is invaluable.
      Now, assuming it’s just an issue with the horse, the instructor doesn’t know, etc, you’re gonna have to do detective work which means lots of trial and error. If you’re having problems with cantering make sure your instructor knows and you can continue to practise it and see what works and what doesn’t. Example, one horse I used to ride (Dylan) had a very weird canter and would speed up down the long side of the school. I could easily signal to him just by adding a little pressure on the reins that I wanted to slow down. With Mona riding her was completely different, so I had to learn to sit and flow with her movement while making small half halt pressures with the reins. I ask gently with a little pressure, but I continue sitting with the movement. If she doesn’t listen then I ask her again, and I keep asking. Just yanking on the reins doesn’t work, the same way with a toddler just yelling or hitting them doesn’t work. You tell them no, or stop, and you reinforce the message by repeating it. This technique, while taking longer to get a response, will eventually get you one and actually teach the horse a lesson so that in future they’ll respond better. So in the long run, it makes a difference.
      Every horse is difference. So you’re gonna have to try lots of different things to fix the problem. It’s difficult but anything difficult when overcome contains growth, so you’ll grow as a rider and as a person. Imagine it as a level up or gaining Xp in a game lol. And remember to be empathetic towards your horse, because it makes a big difference. Riding is a very delicate balance in the bond between a horse and the rider, fear, anger, frustration all upset the balance. So be careful about how you react to your horse. You might not notice a slight movement due to any of the above emotions but the horse will, and they can be thrown off by it.

    • Jumping Rocket says:

      Circles are rly good and change things up so they dont get bored and they dont know whats coming next (like dont always change the rein in one place). I had a horse once that i had to canter like 20 circles on just to get rid of some of his energy before we did any work! hopefully u shouldn’t have to do that tho

    • Unicorn says:

      Half halts
      Suggest to ur instructor to change the bit to a three ring gag
      Drop ur whip if u have one

    • Flossie?❤️ says:

      Do lots of half halts

  24. Maia says:

    what are your guys opinions on miniatures as company for ponies? I have one and she LOOOOOOVES my gelding.

  25. Charlotte says:

    I am looking to do more dressage this year. My dream horse is a warmblood or an eventer and my favourite colours are: (fine) piebald, (fine) skewbald, dun, grey, black and bay.

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