
What am I?

Can you guess all the disciplines below by using the clues? Have a go at them and see how many you can answer!


What am I?

1 / 8

For me, you ride inside white boards and must try to ride an accurate test to gain marks – what am I?

2 / 8

There are two phases to me. The second phase is timed and if you knock down my poles, you'll gain faults – what am I?

3 / 8

You must ride around my course, trying to meet the bogey time, and you must always jump with the red flag on your right – what am I?

4 / 8

I have a race against other teams who weave in and out of bending poles and pop flags in cones, as well as doing other kinds of fun races – what am I?

5 / 8

I have three disciplines that are competed on the same day or over the course of three days – what am I?

6 / 8

For me, you ride out on a long hack and have your pony's heart rate checked – what am I?

7 / 8

When your pony does me, he must pull a carriage as fast as he can through cones with balls on top of them and he mustn't knock the balls off – what am I?

8 / 8

I'm almost like gymnastics but I'm done on horseback – what am I?

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