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3,567 responses to “Pony Chatter”

  1. WelshSectionB says:

    Hello, I lost my forever pony recently in a tragic accident and I feel lost without him. I miss him so much I was wondering if anyone has any tips to help me with the sadness of loosing him because he was my best friend ? Thank you xx

  2. Olympia Girl says:

    Hi littlewelshpony, you are better regaining your confidence on another pony such as a gentle Highland or dales
    Never ride something that will ruin it for you.
    Whilst you should persever, I would give it a week.
    Good luck,
    From Olympia Girl xxx

  3. Ponyhugs123 says:

    Hey LittleWelshPony,
    I had an awful fall off my pony a few years ago, and we made the mistake of selling him straight away.
    I don’t think you should do this. You should look for someone to loan or share him, but I wouldn’t get rid of him because I really regret it.
    Maybe you should put Spud up for loan and see if you can by, loan or share a bombproof schoolmaster to give you more confidence. When your ready, maybe try again with Spud.
    Love from ponyhugs123 xx

  4. OMG! I am absolutely BUZZING after jumping my 16yo welsh section C 95cm out XC!! this summer holidays, we have now moved up to 70 cm and are qualifying for JUMP OFFS, We are DOING BS!!😆 😅 😂 🤣 I AM SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Hi
    Littlewelshpony, the way you reacted to that fall was the way all equestrians should react!
    Fall off,
    Get back on,
    Kick on.

    I hope that the pain goes away!

  6. Sylvie says:

    Hi, I have a problem. The pony I ride snatches. Is there any way I can prevent it? The two ponies that I have the option to ride both snatch, so I am a bit stuck. Thanks, Byeeee! PS Snatching is when the pony(or horse) puts it’s head down. Like they do when they are grazing! Thanks again. Byeeeee!!!

  7. Hi rider of 2 ponies
    Why not try to get your approach perfect at 80 then bring it up with your aproach still perfect to 85 then when your approach is really good try 90
    Also i sort of need some tips I’ve got lots of pony friends in pony club but my best friend who used to be almost as into ponies as I was(not quit though cos that’s impossible) she doesn’t go to the same stables or pc as me but she goes for weekly lessons somewhere else wel we went on a hack a few weeks ago it was epic or at least I thought it was epic she didn’t seem to because I’ve been riding longer and so rode a speeder pony and was up at the front wereras she’s only been riding for a little while and so was on a slower pony and was at the back and is upset because I was more advanced and jump 70cm courses( although I jumped 90 As a single jump) and she’s only just learned to canter and she’s really discouraged I feel like it’s my fault for talking about all the fun things I do in jumping and stuff (not showing off) just talking and about going ahead in the hack (I couldnt help it the leader told me to ) and now she doesn’t want a pony which she’s wanted for years and we used to plan what we’d do when we had our own ponies but now she doesn’t want one no matter what I say (imagine that!) and I’m afraid she’ll give up riding soon to help!!!
    ⭐️ ponies-jumping xx

  8. Hi littlewelshpony
    That’s sounds dreadful
    Why don’t you try riding a different pony if that is an option to get your confidence up on a different one
    Perhaps you could try getting spud used to different things in hand I don’t think you should sell spud just give yourself time
    I hope you feel better soon
    Also rider of 2 ponies
    If it’s that you find the straightness hard perhaps you could put up something like a gymkhana flag or cup or something easy to see and ride towards it don’t thimk about the jump just look at it
    Also I know this sounds mad but why not before you jump you put the jump up to like 1m 20 or something not to jump (yet )and just warm up around it then when you put it down to 90 that’ll feel tiny
    Good luck and have fun
    Gallopinghooves xxxxx

  9. Hi littlewelshpony
    Poor you!
    You could try spending lots of time with Spud on the ground grooming him and refreshing your trust in each other
    Hi rider of 2 ponies
    I had that problem a little while ago and my instructor told me to set up some poles on the floor and trot over the and just pretend they Weren’t there
    Jumping queen

  10. Hi rider of 2 ponies
    Why not when your approaching the jump jump them like there little crosses and throw your heart into them just enjoy them and feel happy and fly
    If your pony is more expearianced you can just trust your pony and work up to doing more of the work your self
    Hi littlewelshpony poor you that’s sounds awful but that’s really brave if you to do the dressage two years ago I fell of and broke my wrist only at the time we all thought it was a sprain and I was riding again in about two days why not you go back to the basics a bit to get your confidence up a bit for instance you could just have a quit walk around the arena or were ever you mostly school even on the lead rein if that would help you feel more confident good luck and well done one the dressage that’s a real story
    Aoiferedrosette xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  11. Comp not completely
    2nd not and
    So not souch
    LWP x

  12. Hi
    I think I need to sell Spud.
    We did camp and I had an accident, he spooked and fell back, and bc I was on him, he crushed me and I blacked out. Then he pushed all of his weight down on my inner thigh when he got up. I was taken to the hospital in an ambulance and it really scared me. The paramedics thought I broke my thigh but I’m ok, but I have a horseshoe bruise on my thigh and the whole way up my left side. But I’m a stubborn idiot and rode the next day bc it was completely day (I somehow came and in the dressage) and it was so flipping painful!!!!! I was crying the whole time and the judge stopped me to make sure I wanted to do it, and I had to start again. I couldn’t ride for two weeks, it hurt so much. I have just ridden for the first time since, and i got off before we were even halfway round. Spud was spooked by a donkey and took off down the hill, and he scared me souch that I refused to get back on and I was crying the whole way back. My mum kept screaming at me “get back on, now! ” but I walked the while way home. Why does he scare me so much?
    From LittleWelshPony x

  13. rider of 2 ponies says:

    @ponies-jumping this website is amaaaaazing!

  14. rider of 2 ponies says:

    I’m moving up to 90 sj but struggling to focus going into the jumps. HELP!

  15. Sorry i forgot to type the end of my comment my internet connection was going down as I’m in quit a bad room for it and I only just saw it had snipped a bit of my comment of
    it was also mabey if you don’t get on with your instructor perhaps you could change instructors
    Hope you find something that works Gallopinghooves xxx

  16. Hi ponylover12
    I agree it’s great to ride different horses
    Why not when your schooling without your instructor you could swap with one of your friends
    I had a bad instructor a little while ago but I changed and now I have had two really good ones (I’m still with the second one) so perhaps you can get a different one or tell your instructor how your feeling
    Good luck gallopinghooves xxx
    So Mabey if you don’t get on with your instructor you could see if you

  17. PonyLover12 says:

    So I love my lease pony, but my trainer never lets me ride anyone else, I haven’t ridden another horse in two years! At all! I know that i’m ready for more of a challenging ride, all 4 of my friends are the same level as me (or below my level) and yet they get to ride the other horses and I don’t? And we’ve all agreed on this, it’s not that i’m being a brat. Plus the other barn I ride at lets me ride the more difficult horses. I’ve asked her and she just says I need to practice verticals on him that day ( he has a habit of refusing them, with everyone not just me.) What do I do? I feel like I can’t be a good rider if I can only ride 1 horse, and the few times I have ridden other horses it’s gone great!

  18. puppy3866 says:

    thanks WelshSectionB

  19. WelshSectionB says:

    Yes they are probably just jealous try to ignore them and hang out with your other friends! Hope this works!

  20. puppy3866 says:

    my mom really likes her soooooo

  21. puppy3866 says:

    she is 3 and super green and so they now call me trainers pet

  22. puppy3866 says:

    i have now been given the responsiblity until she leaves to countineue her training and now all the girls just plain ignore me

  23. puppy3866 says:

    the horse that i love her name is jess is being sent back to the rescue on monday i dont know what to do.one of my yard mates demanded to ride her and got bolted on now she has to leave just cause she bolted once

  24. Hi I’m new
    I luuuuuuuurve ponies!!!
    This is amazing a whole website just to talk horse this is MY website!!!

  25. Oh no poor you that sounds awful!!!
    In my pony camp the mean girl ended up with NO friends at all and no one clapped when she was given the red rosette
    Your ones will probably calm down if you just look unfazed and don’t yell back at them I know it might be hard but it’ll show them you don’t care about how silly they are
    Good luck
    Gallopinghooves xxx

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