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Catch up on the pony chatter

A place to hang out, chat and discuss horsey-related things with other PONY magazine readers! Maybe you have a pony problem, or you want opinions on the best XC colours – or perhaps you just want to know what breed is everyone's fave!

3,567 responses to “Pony Chatter”

  1. Horses and pony love says:

    Hi everyone I am buying a pony from a horse auction on Wednesday and I’m just wondering if anybody has any advice for me buying from a Horse auction

  2. Horses4ever! says:

    Hi there’s a horse I sometimes look after who’s really naughty in his stable. Any ideas on how to make him better? I am starting groundwork with him but wondered if there were any other approaches too?

    • nancarrowteya123 says:

      I would recommend tying him up in the stable first to allow yourself to be a but safer whilst in there with him. Maybe have a look around the stable to see if there is something scaring him, and if you can’t find anything, perhaps use positive reinforcement when he isn’t naughty (giving him a pat or scratch when he’s good) to show him it’s better to be good, and if he’s really naughty perhaps a tad of negative reinforcement such as a flick on the nose to tell him no?

    • Izzyandponies says:

      Maybe you should get a horse that acts good and maybe that naughty horse could learn from him? hope it helped

  3. nancarrowteya123 says:

    Opinions? What show colour should I use for my new horse – she is a bay blanket spot appaloosa 🙂

  4. isssssyyy says:

    hiya is everyone here from gb or like other countries??

    • Alice loves2 ride 77 says:

      I’m from Wales, UK ; you?

    • Emi + Imp says:

      I live in Hong Kong 🙂

      • isssssyyy says:

        thats so cool but like where do you ride? sorry if thats a stupid question!

      • Alice loves2 ride 77 says:

        That is so cool. Do u mind me asking what is life like in Hong Kong for a young person? Sorry love learning about different cultures ;D

        • Emily+Imp says:

          Well, there are lots of huge mountains everywhere and the buildings are so tall (I live on the 30th floor) Its very polluted and the weather is really hot. There are no fields either, so no xc courses. 🙁 Its also really busy, the population is like, 7,475,390 and its such a small place.

          • Alice loves2 ride 77 says:

            WOW well a lot of the UK is quite busy too , but I live in a very remote close knit part of Wales called Pembrokeshire ; where although I live in a town it’s like a community almost everyone knows each other or is related to someone on the same street and crime is VERY low.

          • Emily+Imp says:

            sounds like a really cool place to live:-)
            Hong Kong’s crime is also very low because there are police EVERYWHERE you literally can’t walk down a street without seeing one!

          • Alice loves2 ride 77 says:

            Haha still great you have little crime! We don’t have a lot of crime and there’s barley any police, like you can leave your front door unlocked!!! It’s an awesome place to live and has loads of country side and horses around it. Only downside_ you really stick out if you’re different because it’s such a close knit community everyone looks and acts the same!

          • Emily+Imp says:

            I’ve always wanted to live in a place like that, your so lucky:-)
            Do you have your own horse?

          • Alice loves2 ride 77 says:

            No, I wish I did . You?

          • Emily+Imp says:

            No, it’s not possible in Hong Kong, all horses are owned by the Hong Kong Jockey Club. The closest you can get is a full loan, but there sooo expensive. I loan a pony from my riding school once a week.

          • Alice loves2 ride 77 says:

            It’s too expensive for me to have a horse too or even ride much

    • nancarrowteya123 says:

      I live in England 🙂

  5. Horsin Around0830 says:

    Hey guys!!!!!!! I’m new and was wondering how to get one of my mares to not be so HOT all the time. She is feisty and hard mouthed so it takes twice the amount of force it should to even get her to recognize i’m telling her to stop or turn. She also rears up when she doesn’t want to do something (Picture includeded) Such as ride away from the barn or turn left instead of right, she has backed into cars, other horses and gotten me kicked, people etc. I only ride her in the arena or out of the pasture to ensure she doesn’t hurt me or anyone else but when camping there are cars/trucks everywhere and I cannot ensure she won’t back me into one of them or rear up and hit one.

    • isssssyyy says:

      Hiya, she sounds too fresh and is she isnt getting that much work cos you cant shes probs getting worse, maybe cut all her hard feed you can increase it agiain when she is doing more work and is more rideable. hope this helps sounds like this horse at my yard and it really helped they also gave her more work like on the lunge as well not just riding so she is respecting you more because she wants to be on your side to get more food etc and just less fresh issy xx

    • nancarrowteya123 says:

      My mare is exactly like this. She is very hot-headed and she can become dangerous without meaning to if she isn’t handled correctly. I assume she is quite spooky? If so I would suggest using an arena to “bomb-proof” which is what I have done to reduce her spookiness, and it has defintely helped! Also, make sure you are confident when asking her do something to show her that it isn’t scary. Sometimes, as much as we don’t want to, asking for a bit of help is the best thing to do! What feed is she on? I would suggest checking the amount of sugar in her feed and feed her more forage to reduce the amount of energy she has. Fenugreek and linseed are both really good for keeping condition and not giving too much energy to a hot-headed horse. I would also suggest doing some groundwork around cars and trucks and allow her to get used to it before you build it up back to riding near them again 🙂

  6. Summertime_4_Ponies says:

    Who has got their own horse/pony here?

  7. Alice loves2 ride 77 says:

    Hi anyone on?

  8. Hetty says:

    Hello, help I give my pony a treat but then for the rest of the day he tries biting me to get another treat. Thanks

  9. Alice loves2 ride 77 says:

    How long has everyone here read PONY?

  10. Paris wagener says:

    i live on a farm, i own a thoroughbred called dusty. i also go to a riding school in WA and i normally do jumpng x my family have a race horse bussiness so we look after the horses, they are veryyy cheeky. i am 14 years old and have been riding for 9 years, but i have been around horses all my life. i also am horse obessed aha xx
    i also have a horsey family, my mum was a showjumper and my dad does not like horse (sad) but grandad and nanna did western riding and also they were jockeys. my uncle was a rodeo rider and also a jockey. my aunty a jockey and is still racing now x

  11. Paris wagener says:

    hey guys x

  12. MatildaHorse says:

    Who does showjumping here?!

  13. pony girl jess says:

    i have a problem guys…
    my mum bought a mare a few years ago and she turned out to be in foal. she gives birth to a black gelding with a small white star and i get to name him (i called him jay because i went through a stage where i was obsessed with the hunger games). the mare doesnt work out for my mum and she sells him to a friend but we keep the foal and send him to act as a companion to an older shetland as we didnt have the room at our yard. so recently he’s just come home as the shetland was put down due to colic 🙁 my mum thinks he’s going to make a really good eventer and wants to sell him in a few years to make a lot of money but i really want him as my own. he’s only two still so i have plenty of time left to convince her but he’s moving to the field next to my garden and i dont want to get too attatched incase it turns out badly !!

  14. Jaguar da Jumper says:

    Where do u guys like to ride?

  15. Pony Girl says:

    I began at the age of 2 and now I am nine

  16. pony crazy says:

    my pony bucks going into canter how can I fix this ?

  17. Jaguar da Jumper says:

    Hey guys, anyone on?

  18. Chesnut.chessie says:

    Anyone have any advice on a pony going through the ‘teenage tantrum stage’? my pony is 6 and is going through it late, he was in full exercise before this stage and isn’t in pain. Any advice on getting him through it?

  19. Biscuit says:

    How would you bridle a pony who continues to fling his head up

  20. Jaguar da Jumper says:

    How old are the horses/ponies u ride or own?

  21. Jaguar da Jumper says:

    Hey guys

  22. ponytail 226 says:

    is anyone on now ?

  23. ponytail 226 says:

    hi, I have a question I really want a horse but I don’t have the time or the money and my parents will not let me have one, what should I do ?

    • Jaguar da Jumper says:

      Maybe rent one?
      Do u go to a riding school? U could maybe do that, and get it on a deal if u help out at the stables?!
      Maye stop doing some stuff that u don’t like as much as horse-riding?
      I am not sure……………..

    • Alice loves2 ride 77 says:

      Help out at a stables prove yourself worthy then look for a loan or share…? Remember riding school ponies are cool too! I don’t have a horse, but love my fave riding school pony x

  24. Jaguar da Jumper says:

    Hey guys, anyone on?

  25. Alice loves2 ride 77 says:

    What’s ur interests outside horses?

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