Posted in Stable Management

Improve your pony’s flexibility with these simple stretches (and the help of Likits)!

Pony stretch exercises using Likit treats

Stretching is a fun and simple way to help your pony become more supple and flexible. It’s not just fab for your pony’s muscles, though, it also helps to strengthen your bond! Here are two simple stretches to try…

Neck and shoulder stretch

Great for loosening up his neck and shoulder

Have a go Stand your pony on a level, non-slip surface – a stable is ideal because it will help prevent him from cheating by moving around. Stand at your pony’s shoulder with your back to him and, using your Likit, encourage him to reach around you so his muzzle is level with his shoulder. Complete the same stretch twice on each side and hold for up to 20 seconds – this is where the Likit comes in handy!

Be careful Try to prevent him from tilting his head because this doesn’t flex his spine and soft tissues properly.

pony back and neck stretch

Back and abs stretch

Great for engaging his topline and abdominal muscles

Have a go Stand by your pony’s shoulder and use a Likit between his knees to encourage him to stretch down. As he improves, gradually move the Likit towards his girth area. Repeat the stretch a few times, using Likit treats to encourage him to hold the stretch.

Be careful Try to keep his head and neck straight as he stretches down.

Pony back and abs stretch

Keep practising with your pony, but don’t do too much too soon! We bet he’ll enjoy his stretching as much as he enjoys the Likits!

Likit Snaks

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