HomePony HangoutGamesCrack the code Christmas special!

Crack the code Christmas special!

Test your brain with our pony-themed mind twisters!

Help Robin find out what his owner Sophia’s getting him as a Christmas prezzie! Because he’s a pony, he can’t understand her code! Answer these questions correctly to help him decipher it…

1. What can you put on a pony to keep him warm and dry?

Christmas code breaker - question 1

2. What type of tasty pony food is made out of chopped hay or straw? 

Christmas code breaker - question 2

3. Racehorses are known for being really…

Christmas code breaker - question 3

4. What do you call a white pony with black patches? 

Christmas code breaker - question 4

5. What’s the name for a stripy wild equine?

Christmas code breaker - question 5

6. This is a popular type of bedding to use in a pony’s stable. 

Christmas code breaker - question 6

7. Your pony needs to drink 25-55 litres of what each day?  

Christmas code breaker - question 7

8. At which Christmassy horse show did Valegro perform his last dance? 

Christmas code breaker - question 8


Codebreaker slip

If you’d prefer to print this codebreaker, you can download it here.

Have you finished finding all the differences? Check your answers here!

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