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Posted in Mindset

Seven top tips to help you feel confident when riding a new pony

It’s totally normal to sometimes feel nervous around ponies. After all, they have minds of their own, so can be unpredictable. And adding a new or unfamiliar pony to the mix can make things feel a little overwhelming when getting into the saddle. Team PONY’s here to help you feel super-confident. 

Safety first

Your safety is the most important thing when riding, so make sure you’re wearing a correctly fitted, up-to-standard riding hat at all times in the saddle. A body protector gives extra protection, too, and can give you more confidence, too. 

Speak up

Before you think about getting on board, take the opportunity to ask someone who’s ridden the pony before questions about him. They’ll be able to tell you what he’s like, as well as any habits he has – good or bad – and how to deal with them. 

If you’re having a lesson and you don’t understand what your instructor’s asking you do to, or you don’t feel confident enough to do it yet, just let them know. If you don’t feel ready to take the next step, that’s okay – always go at your own pace. They’re there to help improve your riding, not knock your confidence, and it’s best to get help before running into any problems.

Top tip

Keep a diary with your pony’s fave things, routine, appointment dates and vital signs to remind you of all the things you’ve learnt about him already.

Fuss free

Aim to keep things simple and within you and your pony’s capabilities. Setting your expectations too high can make you feel let down if you don’t achieve them. Instead, start off with simple schooling sessions and gradually progress when you feel ready. It’s not all about jumping the highest jumps or showing off all your pony’s fancy moves – it doesn’t matter if it takes you days, weeks or months to get where you want to be, as long as you’re having fun and feeling good while you’re doing it!

Comfort zone

If the idea of going out hacking or riding in an open space makes you feel more nervy, why not stick to the arena for a little while? It might not feel like the most exciting thing to do (compared to zoomies with your buddies), but it can build your confidence loads, so it’s definitely worth it! 

If you’re concerned about the variety of your pony’s workload, then you could ask someone else to hack him out for you while you build your confidence. If you go along on foot, you’ll be able to see how he behaves, too – bonus! 

Lesson learnt

Whether the pony is a new share, loan or one to call your very own, book your instructor in for a lesson for the first few times you ride him. It’ll massively boost your confidence knowing someone’s there to guide you through your ride. 

Alternatively, you could get an experienced adult to watch from the sidelines. This means that, at worst, you can get their help and advice if you need it and, at best, they can video your epic progress! 

In the long run

Depending on your pony’s personality, it might take a while to get to know him. He may be timid and need to come out of his shell before you see his full potential, or he could be super-brave and up for anything – either way, spend time getting to know him out of the saddle. Building the foundations of your relationship early on will set you up perfectly for all the fun ahead of you! 


No matter how big or small your achievement, be sure to reward your pony with a scratch on his wither and by saying ‘good boy’ whenever he does as you ask – it’ll make him feel happier and more willing to do his job which will then elevate your confidence, too. 

Most importantly, give yourself lots of praise! Whether it’s a simple ‘I did it!’ out loud, pat on the back or a slice of your favourite treat for achieving the goals you set. It’s surprising how fab you’ll feel for rewarding yourself.

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